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The "First Fridays" Series is our monthly educational spotlight on people, ideas, and projects making a positive difference in the world.


San Onofre & Beyond

Mission: Advocating for accurate monitoring, safe storage & moving of 3.6 million lbs. of deadly toxic nuclear waste

Direct Program - Launched in 2019

Science, Education

The Samuel Lawrence Foundation advocates for safe nuclear waste storage, accurate radiation monitoring and the eventual moving of 3.6 million lbs. of deadly toxic nuclear waste currently stored at San Onofre. The San Onofre nuclear waste dump is 100 feet from the Pacific Ocean, in an active earthquake and tsunami zone. We also support groups like Mothers for Peace addressing similar issues at Diablo Canyon and beyond.

Our goal is to blend global nuclear waste research and industry expertise with political efforts, fostering a conducive environment resulting in nuclear waste monitoring, safe storage, and transportation to a secure long-term facility.

Visit our Nuclear Safety section for more information.

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"Brilliance Exposed" Photograph Exhibition

Mission: To motivate future professionals of diverse backgrounds through a National Photographic Exhibition

Fiscal Sponsoree - Partnered in 2021


Organizers of the "Brilliance Exposed" Photographic Exhibition are gathering photographs and interviews of 50 scientists, technologists, engineers, artists and mathematicians.

Goals for 2023 include processing the images and videos of the interview, outlining a coffee table book and identifying locations across the country to display the materials.

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Open Door for Art

Mission: To connect youth and families to enriching experiences in the arts

Direct Program - Launched in 2010


The Samuel Lawrence Foundation connects youth and their families with enriching experiences in the arts across music and dance. Annually, SLF partners with various performing arts groups to provide families and youth tickets to music and dance performances.

We believe this opportunity for students and their families to attend a classical symphony concert or ballet performance free of cost cultivates our collective community appreciation of the impact the arts have in society.

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Social Justice in Uniontown, Alabama

Mission: To provide culturally relevant services for victims of domestic violence and environmental injustices

Fiscal Sponsoree - Partnered in 2017


SLF has worked with Uniontown community leaders to resolve serious environmental problems facing the community. With research and support from air pollution scientists and legal experts, the residents of Uniontown are better able to fight for justice and their community vision.

For 2023, projects in Uniontown include food justice, continued monitoring of contamination from a landfill and, in cooperation with Cornell University, working to clean up a historic cemetery.

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Barrio Botany

Mission: Cultivating healthy, happy, nature-connected kids

Fiscal Sponsoree - Partnered in 2014

Science, Education

Barrio Botany provides urban San Diego school students with garden-based experiential learning opportunities that improve academic achievement, enhance environmental literacy, and inspire lifelong health and wellness. The garden program creates a vibrant outdoor learning environment where students learn to grow fresh produce. Students gain horticulture knowledge, greater respect for their environment, and enjoy delicious food from their harvests.

The Samuel Lawrence Foundation encourages the development of the program and hopes to expand the life-changing program into common curriculum.

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Mission: To instill a sense of joy and discipline that accompanies dance movement for young children enrolled in Head Start

Direct Program - Launched in 2019

Education, Arts

Dance Start seeks to enrich the education and development of children enrolled in Head Start by teaching dance movement, democratizing dance and leading to more diverse representation in dancers and instruction. This program teaches choreography, rhythm, and music appreciation to Head Start centers around San Diego County.

Fall of 2022 saw a partnership with San Diego State University’s Dance Department to bring in college students as instructors for our dance classes.

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Our Mission

The Samuel Lawrence Foundation's Mission is to strengthen community connections through art, science, and education.

We achieve this by connecting with our community's knowledge and collaborating on solutions. Our collective impact among direct programs and fiscal sponsorees is a testament to the power of collaboration and encouragement.

Over 8 Million Californians Live Within 50 Mi. Of Stored Radioactive Waste

Urgent Environmental Concern: 3 Million Pounds of Nuclear Waste Near San Onofre Beach

Congressman Mike Levin (D-CA) joins Lawrence O'Donnell to shed light on a pressing environmental crisis— at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, over 3 million pounds of radioactive waste are alarmingly stored just 100 feet away from the picturesque coastline.


The video not only underlines the profound impact this nuclear waste has on the environment but also paints a vivid picture of how it could affect the millions of people living in the vicinity.


Congressman Levin passionately emphasizes the critical need to prioritize moving the waste from high-risk areas like San Onofre.


The Samuel Lawrence Foundation connects local and international environmental groups to address the most pressing issues facing our nation and the world.


Whether advocating for safer storage of nuclear waste, teaching about environmental hazards, or promoting environmental justice, we encourage collaboration and innovation.

Nuclear Expert Slams Edison's San Onofre Nuclear Waste Storage Plan

Talks continue to find a storage site for radioactive waste away from San Onofre nuclear power plant. Unless there’s an agreement, millions of pounds of the toxic material will be partially buried near the shoreline at San Onofre. KPBS Investigative Reporter Amita Sharma recently spoke to Tom English on the beach near San Onofre. He’s a one-time advisor to former President Jimmy Carter on high-level nuclear waste disposal.

"Is HHS Blocking Cancer Study?"

Cancer is the #2 killer in the US in 2023 per the CDC, and over 100 million Americans live near nuclear plants.

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It recently came to light that the US Department of Health and Human Services declined to conduct a study of cancer around nuclear plants, even though Congress appropriated the money for it last year and directed HHS to carry it out.  First the NRC and now HHS have blocked such studies for over a decade. Read the HHS decision document and a short summary of the issue by Roger Johnson, PhD.

Federal Roundtable on Potential Health Effects Among Individuals Residing Near Nuclear Power Plants

February 14, 2023; 10 AM to 1 PM ET
Meeting Summary

Do Emissions from Nuclear Power Plants Cause Cancer?
Roger Johnson, PhD

Professor Emeritus, San Clemente, CA

Thomas English PhD, Subrata Chakraborty PhD, Len Hering Sr. RADM USN


The most serious issues concerning the storage of nuclear waste at S.O.N.G.S. include the damage done to the waste canisters when lowered into the storage vault. These 54-ton thin-walled steel canisters are loaded with nuclear waste and are transported to the on-site concrete storage vault.

The current  storage configuration provides the factors contributing to gouges in the external steel walls of the canisters: operators have no visibility of the canister when lowering into storage and precise adjustments cannot be made.

The damage remains undetected and unrepaired due to the lack of thorough inspection and monitoring at the San Onofre Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations (ISFSIs). The preliminary findings are found in the report below.

Our work is possible thanks to the continued support of our sponsors:

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